Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Perks: Chapter 1 Response

Dear Charlie,

I just want you to know that I exist, and you are being heard. I am sorry to hear that there have been a great deal of tragic events around your life. It is never easy to face death or to even be a teenager. I too, have seen a few fellow high school students pass away. Its hard to wrap your head around all of it, it almost doesn't seem real. As a teenager myself, like you, I don't really know who are what I am. I like to think that I know what I am doing, but I never actually do. Does anyone?
I wish I could tell you what to do or how to live, but I don't think I am qualified. I don't think anyone will be able to help you but yourself. It is something that will probably just come with time and experience. At least I hope so; I am still trying to find that out myself. I am always willing to listen to your stories, just don't feel like you have to keep all your emotions hidden. Don't worry about your family either, I think the one thing I do know, is that we all have messed up families! There is always that one miserable person that can't be helped and that other person trying to fight to keep the family together. And since you are entering high school soon, I am just warning you that you will be more independent. It's nice not having someone (mom) breathing down your back, but I also sometimes miss talking to my parents. I still can, but it just isn't the same. But, I am here and will listen to you. You seem like a thoughtful person and I just wanted to let you know that I admire your empathetic feelings. I think it is good that you recognize that other people have it a lot worse. This will help me whenever I am down, because my problems aren't nearly as bad as some peoples!
I notice in my life, that I sometimes lack a sense of empathy with certain people, so I am excited to learn and be inspired from you. In the end, I hope that we will be able to help each other out. However, I am not going to be the person that gives you advice on how to handle something, I just want to try to understand where and what you are coming from, so I can understand. As for your interpretations of me, think whatever you want, it doesn't even matter if you read this, as long as you see that I have listened and written you back.


1 comment:

  1. I like that you told Charlie not to feel like he has to keep his emotions hidden. I've noticed that in his letters he doesn't seem to have alot to say in regards to how the people and situations he describes makes him feel.I think feeling indifferent towards life is dangerous. Hopefully Charlie will discover people or passions that give him stronger emotions and a purpose in life.
